FAIRS Helps Floyd Community Garden Grow

Floyd Community Garden (177 Webbs Mill Road, Rt. 8 at Northside Plaza) has been established for use by individuals and organizations –as a wholesome activity, and/or to produce healthy food items to share.  April 14th was opening day for the 2012 season.  Plenty! has rehabbed the space at Northside Plaza, and taken on board Ananda Underwood, Plenty! social work intern from Radford University and Alexis Bressler, coordinator of community and elementary school gardens for Plenty! In April ’12, a dozen volunteers from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Washington D.C. worked for several days on the elementary school gardens and community garden. FAIRS has donated the use of land for the Community Garden, and 10’ x 10’ plots are available to participants by approved application and agreement.  The Plenty! Group is overseeing the project (Karen Day and McCabe Coolidge are co-founders – more information at www.plentylocal.org).