2007-2008 Picture Highlights

Local Activities Pictures


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  Left:  David Potter W4RPI, cooperating with Floyd County hams, teaches a session during one of their monthly meetings 2008.  Right:  Floyd County Emergency Coordinator Tom King W4VZH obtains Dominica amateur radio license prior to doing volunteer work on the island in Spring 2008 (pictured with FAIRS director David Larsen KK4WW at right).


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  Experiential learning opportunities supported by FAIRS.  Above are photos from Open House held by National Weather Service in Blacksburg Virginia April ’08 At lower right, David Larsen KK4WW and Dee Dannewitz Wallace KG4VMI at Floyd County High School February 28, 2008, making presentation to local students as part of the student program entitled “I CAN! … MY DIRECTED THOUGHT FOR THE FUTURE” .


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  Part of our group ready to “Adopt-A-Highway”.  We clean up a section of highway within the County for some additional “visibility” for ham radio and its goodwill efforts.

Pictures of Activities Nationwide and Abroad


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  Left:  Gaynell Larsen KK4WWW shows Gordon West WB6NOA the selection of foreign craft items which are sold at Hamvention to raise project funds. Right:  Leo UT0YW, from Ukraine was an honored guest of FAIRS (Leo was a guide to FAIRS members back in 2005 in Chernovtsky, in Ukraine) at Dayton Hamvention 2008.

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FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  Antennas erected in Castle Bruce (Dominica) for amateur radio communication which is utilized during hurricane season as part of their Disaster Management Plan.


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  FAIRS gives donated items and other support to the medical clinic in Castle Bruce (Dominica).  Pictured above is the site of a Health Center for the village.

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FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  FAIRS gives handy talkies and other equipment, and educational materials for use by licensed operators in Grenada.  They held a field day April 26th, 2008 and promoted amateur radio communications and awareness, readiness in case of a disaster.


FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008–  David Larsen KK4WW is pictured with a contingent of ham radio operators from Japan.