On November 4, Election Day, local HAM Operators worked together in Floyd to provide back-up communications in case of emergency. As the election process becomes more digitized the jobs of HAM operators become even more vital. Though no emergencies arose the Digital Mode was very active throughout Election Day as HAM operators worked together to make sure the airways were ready if they were needed. Floyd had six operators on hand throughout the day to help keep communication flowing and to be on hand in case a situation arose.
To insure the HAM operators are prepared for an emergency Floyd’s HAM operators and members of the electoral board, gathered together in the county administrator’s building to run a trial on October 4, 2014. Each year the HAM operators run their trial situation with a different polling location; this year they practiced with the Courthouse district where the polling location is Floyd County High School.
Thank you to all of the HAM operators worked hard to insure that Election Day could still move forward smoothly in the event of an emergency or irregularity.
HAM Operators on Election Day