February 11th-14th, 2013

N4FCH participated in School Club Roundup held February 11th-14th with lots of interest from the kids. We did very well for it being our first time out! The kids are halfway to the ARRL’s: they worked all States (WAS) and made a contact in France! They were very excited about that. We have been working with tracking satellites for sat-com as well as working with digital modes.

FAIRS FCHS Radio Club January 2013

BE A PART OF THE GOODWILL – N4USA FLOYD, VA www.fairs.org In July of 2012, Mrs. Annemarie Radke, instruc­tor at FCHS, indicated interest in being our sponsor for much-anticipated school club for amateur ra­dio. She believes it is a great opportunity for the kids, and guided FAIRS, along with members of Floyd Amateur Radio Society to get things set up. At the end of the month, we enjoyed a tour by Dr. Richard Turner (KZ4VT), principal of William Byrd High School, who met with us to share ...

FAIRS Present at Many Local Events

FAIRS has been present at many local functions with event stations, booths, and press articles to make folks aware of our ability to provide emergency help and training.  Highlight events of ’11-’12:  FAIRS 20th Anniversary On-Air Celebrations; Floyd Town Jubilee, where we sponsored fun radio talk and activities for children; hosting Cub Scouts and other groups at Floyd Community Amateur Radio Station; Amateur Radio Field Day 2011; as supporter of local music at Oak Grove Pavilion; as supporter ...

2011-2012 Highlights

The Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service’s (FAIRS) board of directors worked to create a guiding philosophy for the year insuring the foundation continues to move in the desired direction. The guiding philosophy for 2011-2012 states: to focus on community and to invite other to be a part of the goodwill. In the 2009-2010 year FAIRS worked to move their focus from internationally to in their home community in Floyd, Virginia. Now in the 2011-2012 year FAIRS works to continue foll...

ARRL Kids Day

Two activities which netted member participation were ARRL Kid’s Day and a “Get On The Air (GOTA)” station, both of which are opportunities for newly licensed amateurs and non-licensed persons to experience first-hand the fun of amateur radio. The Club aspires to be trained and become more involved in public service during the upcoming school year, and to liven programming to attract more students with a wider range of interests.