After COVID-19 & Ongoing War in Ukraine
FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. sends springtime greetings from our headquarters in Floyd, Virginia!
David & Gaynell are excited to be returning to Hamvention this year! This large gathering of amateur radio enthusiasts will be held May 19, 20, and 21, 2023 at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. FAIRS will have memorabilia and collectibles from David and Gaynell’s prior trips to Russia and Ukraine w...
Author: David
2022 Newsletter – FAIRS Update

Continued THANKS from FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. for your help over the years with our many relief projects around the world.
As many of you may already know, Dave & Gaynell have sold Chantilly Farm Campground & Event Venue. However, because of COVID over the past two and a half years, we have not been able to travel as we used to.
Our last trip to Dominica was in January of 2020, and things shut down just as we returned. However, despite the ...
Long Time Support of the International Association for Disaster Preparedness & Response (DERA)

FAIRS has been in support and a proud member of the International Association for Disaster Preparedness & Response (DERA) for many years. Founded in 1962, DERA nonprofit promotes amateur (ham) radio communication.
They have assisted in many of our service projects, including a recent project in 2021 where they shipped a number of items to FAIRS.
For more information on DERA, go to
FAIRS Continues Despite Natural Disasters & COVID-19

Over the past few years, the Island of Dominica has been hit by many uncontrollable hardships. Back in 2017, Hurricane Maria hit Dominica very impactful, leaving not only physical damage, but economic damage. Following Dave and Gaynell's last trip in January 2020, COVID-19 became prevalent internationally, causing another economic set back for Dominica, forcing many people to lose theirs jobs and businesses to shut down.
Despite the restrictions following the spread of COVID-19, FAIRS still...
FAIRS Document

Dear FAIRS friends, Dave and I just returned from Dominica and I wanted to update you on things down there. We Flew out of Charlotte to San Juan and had to overnight there because there was only one flight into Dominica. We arrived in Dominica and Clement J73CPL met us at the airport. The flight arrived at 5:30 PM so it was beginning to get dark and we had an hour and a half drive across the Island and up to Wotten Waven. To say the roads in Dominica are "curvy" is an understatement!!! The Isla...
FAIRS 29th trip to Dominica!

FAIRS has been in Dominica for 22 years—time flies! Over the years we have seen so many changes down there. For many years Dominica was a British colony but in 1967 they decided they wanted to become Independent! In September 2017 Hurricane Maria hit the Island and totally devastated it. The Hurricane winds were relentless and took almost all of the "green" from the Island and left it bare. Most of the Island was without power for months and even now many areas don't have running water. The fol...
Reaching Out to Dominica

When Hurricane Maria's 160 mile per hour winds struck Dominica "head on" on September 18, 2017, the island was devastated. The Category 5 storm claimed lives on the Carib-bean island. Most of the trees were stripped of their leaves, and the island was left covered with downed trees and debris several feet deep. Most of the homes and buildings, including the hospital and the Prime Minister's dwelling, lost their entire roofs or the roofs were damaged. "Everything is gone," said Floyd resident Ga...
2018 – FAIRS Works for Global GOODWILL!

Coordinating Relief and Care at Home and Regionally Responding after Hurricane Maria Projects and Ukrainian DX
Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. sends many thanks for the continued support by our members and donors. Best wishes for a truly magical holiday season! In 2018# We were active at local mnctions and at special event stations & booths, and "on the air" at the ham shack located at Chantilly Farm in Floyd, VA, where our offices are now located. We want ...
Continued Support For Dominica Following Hurricane Maria

As months have passed since the initial destruction caused by hurricane Maria, several organizations including FAIRS are working to provide continued support. Over the last several months, FAIRS members have been delivering numerous items to the island in an attempt to improve the daily lives of those affected by the storm. Because of the lack of electricity, solar equipment has been a key in having lights and power. Solar chargers, lights, power supplies, and batteries have been delivered over ...
Relief Efforts Following Hurricane Maria

During the month of September, the tropical storm Maria attacked Dominica and surrounding areas with unbelievable force, effectively destroying the foliage and vegetation in the area. Nearly 90% of the homes on the island have experienced serious structural damage making many of these dwellings unsafe to live in. Dominica offers little to no electricity with incredibly limited phone service being a newer addition.
Mudslides and fallen trees have blocked means of transportation making trav...