Love One, Teach One Foundation — New Year, New Programs

Once Dominica's Independence celebrations were completed on November 3, the Love One, Teach One, Foundation went back to work serving their community. The Foundation led by Ms. Gloria Walsh is in their first year of a prison reading program to help those who are imprisoned. Ms. Walsh feels blessed to have 17 young men interested in the program. Now that the new year has come studying and hard work began with six individuals so they can successfully complete the CCLSC exam offered through the ...

U5WF-90 Memorial Award

  On October 11, 2014 Takashi Itoh JE1GWO was awarded the U5WF-90 Memorial Award. To achieve the award he submitted evidence of conducting two way communication with memorial stations on 5 amateur bands during 2014. The 90th Anniversary of “Ham Dad Vlad” or Vladimir N. Goncharsky U5WF (UB5WF) is in 2014. The award was granted through Victor Goncharsky, Helen Goncharsky, Julia Goncharsky, and David Larsen.   To qualify the applicant has to prove making two way contacts during t...

Floyd County Veteran’s and Christmas Parades

Many locals and visitors crowd the sidewalks and streets of downtown Floyd on parade days. With all the anticipation of the creative float and unique vehicles we may not notice local Ham Operators around who are assisting local law enforcement for the day. Hams are located at eight different locations along the parade route including: Floyd County High School, Mabry’s Funeral Home, South Locust Street, the stoplight, the Dispatcher’s Office, the Village Green, Circle K, and Wood’s Funeral Hom...

HAM Operators Assist in Election Process

On November 4, Election Day, local HAM Operators worked together in Floyd to provide back-up communications in case of emergency. As the election process becomes more digitized the jobs of HAM operators become even more vital. Though no emergencies arose the Digital Mode was very active throughout Election Day as HAM operators worked together to make sure the airways were ready if they were needed. Floyd had six operators on hand throughout the day to help keep communication flowing and to be on...

2014 Photos

The Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service is always working on a new project. Listed below are different galleries from this year's events including  Hamvention, Dominica Mission Trip, FCHS Amateur Radio Club, Summer Interns, Floyd Amateur Radio Society, and the Bioche Community Center.   Hamvention   Dominica   FCHS Amateur Radio Club   2014 Summer Interns   Floyd Amateur Radio Society   Bioche Co...

Community Center in Bioche, Dominica

The FAIRS Foundation is serving as a supporter and sponsor of a Community Center located in the small Dominican Village of Bioche. The center will be 20 foot by 20 foot with a washroom computer, printer, and internet. They plan to have the building commissioned near the one year anniversary of the first meeting about the center; Sunday November 16, 2014. Clement Pierre-Louis J73CPL works to keep our Foundation up-to-date on the construction of the building: October 7, 2014 the constructio...

FAIRS Member Receives Award for Outstanding Work

Victor Goncharsky US5WE recently received the DXCC 2000 Challenge award. This is an award presented to an amateur radio operator for establishing contact with more than 2000 DXCC Band countries. Victors wife, Helen Goncharsky UR5WA (or her U.S. call sign KT4RP), just qualified to receive the same award! When an operator completes what is necessary for this challenge, they are able to obtain a beautiful plaque congratulating them on their outstanding work with amateur radio. We’re very grateful t...

New Location for the Community Amateur Radio Station!

We are happy to announce that FAIRS is now up and running in our new location in Suites 3 and 4 of The Village Green. Along with our Bugbook Computer Museum, we have our Floyd Amateur Radio Station (N4USA). This location will serve as a site through which FAIRS can operate. We will also be hosting an introduction to Amateur Radio seminar at our station, Suites 3 and 4 of the Floyd Village Green, Tuesday August 26, 2014, 7 pm. This will include a power point presentation and station demonstration...