Remembering Silent Key- “Ham Dad Vlad” of Ukraine

FAIRS UKRAINE Victor and Helen Goncharsky of Lvov head up operations for the FAIRS Foundation in Ukraine.  Helen visited here in the U.S. in 2013 and helped represent at Dayton Hamvention.  We want to thank Vic and Helen for their tireless work in amateur radio and recognize Vic’s famous father, who would have turned 90 in 2014: Vladimir N. Goncharsky "Ham Dad Vlad" was born in Kriukov, Poltava region of Ukraine on 25th of June 1924. At the age of 11 he became interested in ham radio and ...

Amateur Radio Seminar

There will be an introduction to Amateur Radio seminar at the Floyd County Amateur Radio Station, Suites 3 and 4 of the Floyd Village Green, Tuesday August 26, 2014, 7 pm. This will include a power point presentation and station demonstration. Licensed HAMs are encouraged to help host or give input.Refreshments will be served. For questions call 540-745-2322.

2009 Hamvention in Dayton

Group of FAIRS members at the FAIRS Booth at Hamvention in Dayton – Dave KK4WW, Esmond 8R1AK, Gaynell KK4WWW, Tom W4VZH, Michael KE4RGY and Phil Roark Dayton Hamvention is the world’s largest amateur radio gathering with about 22,000 in attendance this year. It includes a huge flea market where ham operators can buy, sell and trade radio equipment. For some, it is the only place to find that elusive piece that cannot be found elsewhere. FAIRS has operated a booth at the market at Hamvent...

2007-2008 Picture Highlights

Local Activities Pictures FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.) picture highlights 2007-2008--  Left:  David Potter W4RPI, cooperating with Floyd County hams, teaches a session during one of their monthly meetings 2008.  Right:  Floyd County Emergency Coordinator Tom King W4VZH obtains Dominica amateur radio license prior to doing volunteer work on the island in Spring 2008 (pictured with FAIRS director David Larsen KK4WW at right). FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur ...

2006 Caribbean Hamboree in Grenada

CARIBBEAN HAMBOREE 2006 IN GRENADA David KK4WW and Gaynell KK4WWW Larsen and Dee Dannewitz KG4VMI of FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd.) boarded an island-hopper plane from Dominica to Grenada for Hamboree 2006.  The weekend event was hosted by Grenada Amateur Radio Club-- Reuben Pursoo J39DE, Allan Budhlall J39BK, and Graham Stratton J39BW were notable hams involved with programming... Representative of National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA), Sylvain...

2006 July 4th

Floyd County Area Hams Spreading Enthusiasm About Ham Radio July 4th! Area hams were happy to participate in the Floyd County Merchants’ Association 4th of July festivities. We set up an event station, have some hands-on activity including a fun intro to morse code, and hams were able to talk to event-goers about the excitement and service (to the community) of amateur radio. Folks enjoying the nice weather, their independence, and some wonderful music at Floyd County Merchants’ Associ...