Floyd Amateur Radio Society (FARS)

The Floyd Amateur Radio Society (FARS) meets monthly in Floyd, Virginia. This group is also the local ARES group (Amateur Radio Emergency Service for Floyd County). All amateur radio operators and interested persons are welcome to join with the FARS group-Contact Tom W4VZH or any FARS member for information. The Foundation for Amateur Internatioinal Radio Service (FAIRS) is also located in the Floyd Professioinal Center and works closely with the FARS. Projects in process are helping obtain a co...

FAIRS Present at Many Local Events

FAIRS has been present at many local functions with event stations, booths, and press articles to make folks aware of our ability to provide emergency help and training.  Highlight events of ’11-’12:  FAIRS 20th Anniversary On-Air Celebrations; Floyd Town Jubilee, where we sponsored fun radio talk and activities for children; hosting Cub Scouts and other groups at Floyd Community Amateur Radio Station; Amateur Radio Field Day 2011; as supporter of local music at Oak Grove Pavilion; as supporter ...

FAIRS History

Radio Station Call Sign N4USA - A 501(c)(3) foundation Check out FAIRS YouTube Playlist! FAIRS was created as an idea during a train trip from Moscow to the Western Ukraine. There were five Americans David KK4WW and Gaynell KD4GMV (now KK4WWW) Larsen, Bob W6YMR and Virginia KD6- NBW Friebertshauser, and John Douglas N0ISL) and host Victor Goncharsky US5- WE. The date was May 9th, 1991. This sparked the name “59 Group”. We visited to set up/ distribute donated equipment in Russia and U...

Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd.

"Building Global Friendships" between peoples and nations is the purpose of FAIRS. This goodwill is created by providing training, equipment, volunteers, and other forms of assistance such as disaster relief. FAIRS is a 501 (c)3 foundation. Promoting Goodwill Through Amateur Radio FAIRS works to: Support Amateur Radio Emergency Services; maintains FAIRS Emergency Communications Center as support for first responders in the event of an emergency Provide equipment, funds and training for a...

March, 2014

FAIRS directors David (KK4WW) and Gaynell Larsen (KK4WWW) are recently home from a mission trip to the Eastern Caribbean island of Dominica. They were accompanied this time by grandson Dustin Thompson- a first mission trip and his first time flying! The group carried large suitcases stuffed with medical and school supplies, shoes, clothes, and items requested by program leaders who carry out work on the island which is supported by FAIRS. After taking time to activate a phone and organize ...

Medical and School Assistance in Dominica

The days are going by very fast and each one is a busy one with projects. Here is some of the past two days.. Assisting with Medical Supplies The Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service (FAIRS) has bring medical supplies to the clinics in Dominica for years. The main hospital has also been on our list and many times we help furnish surgical and other supplies . Their is always a shortage of supplies and even simple things like Tylenol, Aspirin are always in short supply.  Things l...