FAIRS is host to Helen Goncharsky of FAIRS Ukraine. It has been over 22 years since directors David and Gaynell Larsen traveled to Ukraine and began this friendship - Helen was one of the charter members of FAIRS. Helen engaged in an array of activities and participated at a number of local and regional events during the course of her stay in Floyd, VA.
Author: David
June 15, 2013
Posted on by David
FAIRS participates in “Kids Day”, an on-air event to encourage young people (licensed or not) to have fun with Amateur Radio. It is designed to give on-the-air experience to youngsters and hopefully foster interest in getting a license of their own. It is also intended to give older hams a chance to share their station and love for Amateur Radio with the children. This was held at Chantilly Farm with members of the school club in attendance.
Summer 2013
Posted on by David
For the last six years, FAIRS and its supporters have sponsored a summer intern program from initiative entitled, “I Can! ... My Directed Thought for the Future." Local students Autumn Townley, Amber Ingram, Rina van Blerk, and Nate Cleveland were paid interns as a result. Interns learn a variety of skills, built upon their interests, to help them achieve their goals in the years to come. Amber, Rina, and Nate (the newest intern: 2012) participated in the program during summer 2013.
FAIRS 2013 Visit to Dominica
Posted on by David
During their stay, FAIRS assisted members of the Dominica Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (DARCI) with equipment repairs and checks of emergency radio communications systems. DARCI Emergency Communications Center is now rentable to touring hams as a source of revenue for the Club. Stephen Bloom KL7SB from Anchorage, Alaska was a guest, so FAIRS was able to meet with him and his wife and take a break from operating for awhile. Licensed operators like Stephen can visit Dominica & use the Club stat...
May 25, 2013
Posted on by David
Chantilly Farm is officially open for amateur radio operators and visitors. Many special event stations are planned to operate from the venue. FARS members and guest hams provided on-site communication for special event being held: 3rd Annual Bluegrass & BBQ Festival.
May 17-19, 2013
Posted on by David
A highlight of FAIRS’ visit with Helen Goncharsky was a trip to Dayton, OH for this year’s Hamvention, a large convention of ham radio operators and exhibitors. FAIRS has operated a booth there since 1993 (currently #412). They were very fortunate this year to sell nearly all of the items which Helen brought from Ukraine: hand-painted wares and Matryoshka nesting dolls. Besides fundraising, they had fun meeting-and-greeting, which is always a large part of the festivities. Members of Dayton ...
May 6, 2013
Posted on by David
Floyd County High School Amateur Radio Club N4FCH is an approved affiliate of American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for amateur radio!
Grenada Amateur Radio Club Official
Posted on by David
Grenada Amateur Radio Club is now recognized as the body to conduct exams for amateur radio licenses. They have a new website www.garc.gd/ These islanders have exceriseized their own disaster preparedness plan, and equipped their volunteers for the job. FAIRS has given radio equipment, literature, and funds for outreach. Along with that, a hi-gain antenna and peripheral equipment have been shipped to Grenada.
April 30, 2013
Posted on by David
Ukrainian license for FAIRS club station in Lviv was issued for delivery to Victor Goncharsky (US5WE). The station was assigned call sign UR4WXW.
April 30, 2013
Posted on by David
Held second VE testing session at the high school and Joshua Ray of FCHS ARC is now licensed, with call sign KK4QWC! Thanks to Wally Denison (WD1U) for heading things up.