After Hamvention & ARRL Field Day
Greetings and Report Regarding Humanitarian Efforts
FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. sends greetings after a wonderful time at Hamvention and this year’s Amateur Radio Field Day! Whether in person or on the air, we always love to hear from you!
Sales from our FAIRS booth have helped make some purchases and fund current projects, so we send this report as an update:
In Ukraine, Victor (US5WE) and Helen (UR5WA...
News & Announcements
FAIRS Document

Dear FAIRS friends, Dave and I just returned from Dominica and I wanted to update you on things down there. We Flew out of Charlotte to San Juan and had to overnight there because there was only one flight into Dominica. We arrived in Dominica and Clement J73CPL met us at the airport. The flight arrived at 5:30 PM so it was beginning to get dark and we had an hour and a half drive across the Island and up to Wotten Waven. To say the roads in Dominica are "curvy" is an understatement!!! The Isla...
FAIRS 29th trip to Dominica!

FAIRS has been in Dominica for 22 years—time flies! Over the years we have seen so many changes down there. For many years Dominica was a British colony but in 1967 they decided they wanted to become Independent! In September 2017 Hurricane Maria hit the Island and totally devastated it. The Hurricane winds were relentless and took almost all of the "green" from the Island and left it bare. Most of the Island was without power for months and even now many areas don't have running water. The fol...
Chantilly Campground: An Amateur Radio Destination Worth Seeing

Chantilly Campground is a ham-friendly events venue with our very own Amateur Radio Station, N4USA, in our Campground office. Guests can hook up to our existing campground antenna or connect one of their own as Chantilly Farm sports plenty of spots to set up a structure for Amateur radio broadcasting. Radio background noise is extremely low, being we are in a rural area with no industrial noise and very few close neighbors. QRP operators love this location for many of these reasons, finding ...
Sharing the Word of Amateur Radio

The Floyd Community Amateur Radio Station Foundation (hosted by FAIRS) and the Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum share a location at Floyd Village Green, Suite 4. It is their goal to inform the public about specific technologies and their uses. On Monday March 30, 2015 a unique set of visitors came who want to share with others what the place is all about.
It is planned that the spring 2015 edition of the Virginia Tech College of Business Magazine will feature an article about Professo...
Dominica 2015

Each year, FAIRS directors David and Gaynell Larsen travel to the small island country of Dominica in the Eastern Caribbean. This year, they traveled with their granddaughter Jacqueline, and she had the opportunity to gain a new perspective of the world. The purpose of their visit was to encourage program leaders supported by FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.), to visit foreign friends and to try to make a difference in the lives of others.
Throughout the year, FAIRS wor...
FAIRS Named as New River Valley Featured Non-Profit

FAIRS has been promoting goodwill through amateur radio since 1991, and has served communities both locally and abroad. We're an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, and thankful for our members and supporters. Their gifts of tax-deductible money, equipment, etc. have made them an important part of the Goodwill works!
Now we're highlighted as a local non-profit for Give Big NRV! You may give online through Click & Pledge
FAIRS Member Receives Award for Outstanding Work

Victor Goncharsky US5WE recently received the DXCC 2000 Challenge award. This is an award presented to an amateur radio operator for establishing contact with more than 2000 DXCC Band countries. Victors wife, Helen Goncharsky UR5WA (or her U.S. call sign KT4RP), just qualified to receive the same award! When an operator completes what is necessary for this challenge, they are able to obtain a beautiful plaque congratulating them on their outstanding work with amateur radio. We’re very grateful t...
New Location for the Community Amateur Radio Station!

We are happy to announce that FAIRS is now up and running in our new location in Suites 3 and 4 of The Village Green. Along with our Bugbook Computer Museum, we have our Floyd Amateur Radio Station (N4USA). This location will serve as a site through which FAIRS can operate. We will also be hosting an introduction to Amateur Radio seminar at our station, Suites 3 and 4 of the Floyd Village Green, Tuesday August 26, 2014, 7 pm. This will include a power point presentation and station demonstration...
March, 2014

FAIRS directors David (KK4WW) and Gaynell Larsen (KK4WWW) are recently home from a mission trip to the Eastern Caribbean island of Dominica. They were accompanied this time by grandson Dustin Thompson- a first mission trip and his first time flying!
The group carried large suitcases stuffed with medical and school supplies, shoes, clothes, and items requested by program leaders who carry out work on the island which is supported by FAIRS.
After taking time to activate a phone and organize ...