FAIRS Newsletter 2014-15
Hands-On Projects Help To Hone Skills-
FAIRS Supports Invention, Creativity & Resourcefulness
It is no secret that amateur radio operators are often innovative, experimental and “gadget-lovers” at heart.
FAIRS has taken initiative over the course of recent years to help those with technical interests and talents to flourish, especially here at home in Floyd, VA.
At FCHS Amateur Radio school Club, elmers are teaching basic electronics to the student members using Radio Shack Basic Electronics Learning Lab Kits. Partners or small groups work together to follow instructions and complete a series of tasks/circuits to achieve desired results.
By paid intern program “I CAN! … MY DIRECTED THOUGHT FOR THE FUTURE”, FAIRS has given support to high school, college and post-grad students to help further their education in course work, independent study and/or trips abroad. FAIRS is pleased to be a part of their success stories.
Bryan Dowd, a student intern and host at N4USA and Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum, is helping to organize projects and work with guests. He values the stories behind the technology and the inner workings of each piece.
He is assisting FAIRS as they partner with local Jacksonville Center for the Arts to put on a “Maker” Camp this summer. Attendees will be shown how to incorporate simple electronics in some of their art pieces. According to Bryan, “Many youth know very well how to operate modern day electronic devices, but have no idea how they work or what makes them work. This camp will impart knowledge about some simple wiring and circuits and will be a part of finished creations campers will take home and enjoy. During the camp they will also experience the interesting world of amateur radio. Many of our volunteers are licensed operators and will gladly demonstrate radio communications”. Keep up with FAIRS on Facebook for more information on upcoming activities.
Scout Clubs Visit N4USA to Experience Amateur Radio, Earn Merit Badges
FAIRS and local hams host several special events each year with the goal of reaching young people through amateur radio.
In early summer 2014, ARRL Kid’s Day was held at Chantilly Farm (2697 Franklin Pike SE, Floyd). Youth and their families were invited to visit the station and talk to each other nationwide on amateur radio.
In October, the annual “Jamboree on the Air” or JOTA brought Scouts and Girl Scouts to enjoy the outdoors, camp on farm grounds and meet people from all over the world over the airwaves. Adult leader Don Barker encouraged the kids and provided photo (left).
Director David Larsen and members of Floyd Amateur Radio Society have demonstrated amateur radio and provided training using call sign N4USA. Several troops/packs have visited Floyd Community Amateur Radio Station and the museum in Floyd.
Plenty! Has a New Location—
FAIRS Helps Support the Community
FAIRS is a long-time supporter of the Plenty! group whose mission is to nourish community and feed hungry neighbors by growing and sharing food in Floyd County. Director Gaynell Larsen donated several turkey casseroles and baked vegetable dishes for distribution at Thanksgiving, and FAIRS has helped to support Plenty! in their new facilities at 192 Elephant Curve , Floyd, VA 24091. Plenty! delivers fresh/food bank foods, and creates school and community gardens. Director David Larsen supplied video coverage of a special community event on December 16th, 2014 which thanked local supporters and celebrated the gift of a new FREE tractor to Plenty! by Yanmar Tractors and Kelli and John Higgs of T&E Small Engines.
Now, Jonathan Vandergrift, manager of Plenty! Farm, is working with the Virginia Tech chapter of Habitat for Humanity to build wings onto a log barn to house equipment. FAIRS directors have committed to gift a discer for use by the group, and David has delivered it in time for spring 2015 farm use.
FAIRS is Linking Arms w/ Hams of Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Club (VTARA)
Beginning in May, 2014, FAIRS began a relationship with Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF and members of the Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Association, VTARA, when they made a visit to Floyd: … in part to Tour the Computer History Museum (http://bugbookmuseum.blogspot.com/, run by Dave, KK4WW) and to visit the N4USA Amateur Radio Station… Russ Abbey, KG4MAV, of FARS helped to arrange and host and he deserves a special thanks for his ongoing commitment to outreach through amateur radio!
Regular communication is ongoing with members from the Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Association (VTARA). They have cooperated toward various projects and have made themselves available to help with Scout gatherings, assisting individuals in making amateur radio contacts.
Frissell has also been a great contributor to efforts at the museum. He is a great energy for amateur radio. We wish him well in his future pursuits!