Apple iPad for Bioche, Dominica
Today (2/23/14) we donated a new Apple iPad computer to the Dominica community of Bioche to help raise funds for repairs at the fishing village and start up of sustainable agricultural projects. Bioche is a small fishing village of about 200 on the North West coast of Dominica. I am normally discussing vintage computers here on the blog but this project is part of a mission visit representing “The Foundation Amateur Radio International Service” (FAIRS). My wife Gaynell and I represent FAIRS as directors and have made many visits to Dominica and other countries during the past 22 years.
My amateur radio friend in Dominica – Clement Pierre Louis J73CPL- called and told us about the new project in his home village of Bioche to work toward self sustainability by the community. Clement ask if our foundation could help as sponsors a donation. The idea of the Apple iPad donation is to raffle it and use the funds for the project. They expect to get many more sponsors during the next few months before ending in July. In July they will have a big gathering with members of the community living there now and those who will return for a visit and provide project assistance.
The village has no funds for these projects and are moving ahead by raising funds and assistance on their own to develop sustainable agricultural of raising chickens and pigs. Most of the meat is imported and it only seems natural to grow your own & sell to the public.
It seems very reasonable that chickens and pigs could be raised here — many individuals already grow these animals for family consumption. I learned that some processing facilities are already in place. The government has facility for butchering pigs and other animals. Also near bioche is a new fish processing coop that was built in 2011 by grant from Japan. I visited the coop today and it is real nice and could possibly be used for chicken processing – freezing and marketing. The prospects look good for a successful project if the folks come forward with determination and persistence.