FAIRS Continues Despite Natural Disasters & COVID-19

FAIRS Continues Despite Natural Disasters & COVID-19
Over the past few years, the Island of Dominica has been hit by many uncontrollable hardships. Back in 2017, Hurricane Maria hit Dominica very impactful, leaving not only physical damage, but economic damage. Following Dave and Gaynell's last trip in January 2020, COVID-19 became prevalent internationally, causing another economic set back for Dominica, forcing many people to lose theirs jobs and...

Reaching Out to Dominica

Reaching Out to Dominica
When Hurricane Maria's 160 mile per hour winds struck Dominica "head on" on September 18, 2017, the island was devastated. The Category 5 storm claimed lives on the Carib-bean island. Most of the trees were stripped of their leaves, and the island was left covered with downed trees and debris several feet deep. Most of the homes and buildings, including the hospital and the Prime Minister's dwell...

FAIRS and Floyd United Methodist Church Collect Items for Disaster Relief in Dominica

FAIRS and Floyd United Methodist Church Collect Items for Disaster Relief in Dominica
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During the most recent trip by FAIRS directors David and Gaynell Larsen to Dominica, the couple visited a small village near the capital of the city which had several homes destroyed due to a fire that occurred the day after Christmas. Over sixty individuals were displaced and living in school rooms with all their possessions destroyed. The church collected sheets, towels, and blankets to be shipp...

Chantilly Campground: An Amateur Radio Destination Worth Seeing

Chantilly Campground: An Amateur Radio Destination Worth Seeing
Chantilly Campground is a ham-friendly events venue with our very own Amateur Radio Station, N4USA, in our Campground office. Guests can hook up to our existing campground antenna or connect one of their own as Chantilly Farm sports plenty of spots to set up a structure for Amateur radio broadcasting. Radio background noise is extremely low, being we are in a rural area with no industrial nois...

FAIRS Bangladesh Sponsors International Amateur Radio Camp

FAIRS Bangladesh Sponsors International Amateur Radio Camp
FAIRS Bangladesh joined together with the ICT Division of Bangladesh scouts to organize the first ever International Amateur Radio Camp at National Scout training center, Mouchak, Gazipur. The camp allows prominent amateur radio figures from around the world to educate individuals on a variety of different topics including proper radio usage, radio propagation, antenna systems, and routine equipme...

FAIRS Prepares to Head Back to Dominica

FAIRS Prepares to Head Back to Dominica
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At the end of this month, FAIRS(Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service) founders David (KK4WW) and Gaynell Larsen (KK4WWW) will make their annual trip to Dominica, a small island country in the Eastern Caribbean. This will make more than twenty years FAIRS has traveled to the small island to provide goodwill for those in need. This August, tropical hurricane Erika devastated the isl...

Dominica Update From Ken Tanuma JN1THL

Dominica Update From Ken Tanuma JN1THL
We enjoyed J79JA(JN1THL) and J79RZ(JA8RUZ) from May 18th to the 24th. I did 2100 QSOs and J79RZ did 1500 QSOs. Clement gave us a chance to use the club station and J79RZ used that and I did from Clement's house. 2 stations operational at the same time. I brought TS-590 and AMERITRON and MFJ loaned us ALS-600 AMP. Only one day I enjoyed scuba diving. It was a nice way to visit J7. 7-28M...

Hamvention 2015

Hamvention 2015
Manjurul Haque – S21AM Dhaka , Bangladesh It was a longtime dream for me that once I will join Dayton Hamvention in USA, the largest Radio Amateurs gathering & HAM exhibition since 1952. From last one year I have planned to join Hamvention 2015 and had a close correspondence with Gaynell Larsen, Director FAIRS USA. After flying approx. 17000 km finally I reached Dayton Airport around 8.4...

Sharing the Word of Amateur Radio

Sharing the Word of Amateur Radio
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The Floyd Community Amateur Radio Station Foundation (hosted by FAIRS) and the Bugbook Historical Microcomputer Museum share a location at Floyd Village Green, Suite 4.  It is their goal to inform the public about specific technologies and their uses. On Monday March 30, 2015 a unique set of visitors came who want to share with others what the place is all about. It is planned that the spring 2...

Dominica 2015

Dominica 2015
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Each year, FAIRS directors David and Gaynell Larsen travel to the small island country of Dominica in the Eastern Caribbean. This year, they traveled with their granddaughter Jacqueline, and she had the opportunity to gain a new perspective of the world. The purpose of their visit was to encourage program leaders supported by FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur Intl. Radio Service, Ltd.), to visit forei...