Gloria in Dominica

Gaynell Larsen (KK4WWW) gives a great example of the FAIRS purpose of Building Global Friendship in the story about Gloria below. Update on Gloria Walsh and our FAIRS years with her in Dominica.  It's hard to believe we met Gloria twenty years ago on one of our trips to Dominica, a small island nation in the Caribbean Sea. We met her in 2005 on a trip with Good Shepherd Baptist Church of Christiansburg, Virginia when she was working at the orphanage near Roseau.  Since our...

2024 FAIRS Newsletter

After Hamvention & ARRL Field Day Greetings and Report Regarding Humanitarian Efforts FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. sends greetings after a wonderful time at Hamvention and this year’s Amateur Radio Field Day!  Whether in person or on the air, we always love to hear from you! Sales from our FAIRS booth have helped make some purchases and fund current projects, so we send this report as an update: In Ukraine, Victor (US5WE) and Helen (UR5WA...

Relief Efforts Following Hurricane Maria

During the month of September, the tropical storm Maria attacked Dominica and surrounding areas with unbelievable force, effectively destroying the foliage and vegetation in the area. Nearly 90% of the homes on the island have experienced serious structural damage making many of these dwellings unsafe to live in. Dominica offers little to no electricity with incredibly limited phone service being a newer addition. Mudslides and fallen trees have blocked means of transportation making trav...

FAIRS and Floyd United Methodist Church Collect Items for Disaster Relief in Dominica

During the most recent trip by FAIRS directors David and Gaynell Larsen to Dominica, the couple visited a small village near the capital of the city which had several homes destroyed due to a fire that occurred the day after Christmas. Over sixty individuals were displaced and living in school rooms with all their possessions destroyed. The church collected sheets, towels, and blankets to be shipped to Dominica for the fire victims. When Gaynell told FUMC Pastor Steve Johnson about the fire i...

2015 – 2016 Highlights

FAIRS 2015-2016 Highlights F.A.I.R.S. guiding philosophy over the past year: To engage communities as part of the goodwill!  To follow are notes regarding the progress made by FAIRS related to goodwill works via amateur radio during the past year: Local Updates: On September 19th, 2015 a special event station for the Floyd Livestock & County Fair was held at Chantilly Farm, the new location of the event. Several operators from Floyd Amateur Radio Society (FARS) attended as wel...

Donate to Foundation For International Radio Service, Ltd. (FAIRS)

Pledging a donation of any amount allows FAIRS to continue to provide relief aid and outreach to those in need all over the world. Through Amateur Radio, FAIRS works to maintain FAIRS Emergency Communications Center as support for first responders in the event of an emergency and also provide equipment, funds, and training for amateurs and governments in less fortunate countries. The organization also works to partner with other groups and individuals to provide radios, medical assistance, and o...

Dominica 2016

Dominica 2016 David KK4WW and Gaynell KK4WWW Larsen, Directors of non-profit FAIRS (Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd.) traveled again to Dominica in the eastern Caribbean, to oversee Foundation projects and assist community groups and leaders who work throughout the year related to disaster communications and education.  Dominica is a small island country in the Eastern Caribbean with land area similar in size to Floyd County.  Dominica suffered great loss after Tropical ...