Chantilly Campground is a ham-friendly events venue with our very own Amateur Radio Station, N4USA, in our Campground office. Guests can hook up to our existing campground antenna or connect one of their own as Chantilly Farm sports plenty of spots to set up a structure for Amateur radio broadcasting. Radio background noise is extremely low, being we are in a rural area with no industrial noise and very few close neighbors. QRP operators love this location for many of these reasons, finding it to be a very usable and fun place to get on the air. Wifi is available from most locations on the farm and many find it is a delight to operate from Chantilly Farm using their own call signs, or our resident station, N4USA.
David KK4WW Curator of N4USA and owner of Chantilly Campground has been a ham operator for 63 years and comments that this is one of his favorite spots in the world to operate from. Being located in Floyd nestles Chantilly Campground in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains with amateur radio operators saying they love our 2,500 foot mountain top elevation. VHF/UHF operators have incredible signals up and down the East Coast.

Our camping guests can choose spaces sporting full service with water, 30/50 amp power, and septic if they intend on RV camping or may choose to tent camp on our beautiful 200 acres. Some primitive tent locations do have AC power but there are a limited number of these. We market ourselves as a year-round campground facility with winterized spots available.
Camping in RV spaces 16, 17, 18 or 19 allows guests to hook up their radios to an existing G5RV antenna and enjoy an incredible HF signal from our mountain top location. Guests should feel free to operate directly from their RV if they wish!
Floyd County, VA has many other interesting events and activities that the whole family can enjoy. The area is known for its cultural events with many artists and musicians living locally! Every week there is a variety of events within the county, with a number of art galleries and studios being open for business year-round. For those looking to get active, Floyd is happy to have many miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway stretching through our own county with the Virginia Crooked Road, a cultural cornerstone of Southwest Virginia. Guests may be interested in visiting Chantilly Farm during one of our festival weekends or to participate in other events at our farm.