As months have passed since the initial destruction caused by hurricane Maria, several organizations including FAIRS are working to provide continued support. Over the last several months, FAIRS members have been delivering numerous items to the island in an attempt to improve the daily lives of those affected by the storm. Because of the lack of electricity, solar equipment has been a key in having lights and power. Solar chargers, lights, power supplies, and batteries have been delivered over the last few months in order to charge radios for communication and to make daily life a little more comfortable.

One of FAIRS founders, Gaynell Larsen, rallied the support of her church to provide essential equipment to the people of Dominica. Packages have been sent recently with medical supplies, bed sheets, toothbrushes, silverware, plates, cups, and much more. The items were sent down in waterproof boxes to protect from the flooding issues still rampant on the island. While focus on communications and infrastructure is essential to providing support, Gaynell thought about the small items that had been destroyed in the storm the people of Dominica had been living without for several months.
While this is a problem that won’t be fixed quickly, FAIRS is continuing to help provide aid to those in need in the area. Hurricane Maria devastated the region and has created a constant battle to return life to how it was before the storm. As FAIRS works to help those on the island, donations are always welcome. We are a non-profit organization aimed at making lives better through the use of amateur radio and technology. To learn more about how to donate, please call 540-745-2322. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 179, Floyd, VA 24091