After COVID-19 & Ongoing War in Ukraine
FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. sends springtime greetings from our headquarters in Floyd, Virginia!
David & Gaynell are excited to be returning to Hamvention this year! This large gathering of amateur radio enthusiasts will be held May 19, 20, and 21, 2023 at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio. FAIRS will have memorabilia and collectibles from David and Gaynell’s prior trips to Russia and Ukraine w...
2022 Newsletter – FAIRS Update

Continued THANKS from FAIRS – Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, Ltd. for your help over the years with our many relief projects around the world.
As many of you may already know, Dave & Gaynell have sold Chantilly Farm Campground & Event Venue. However, because of COVID over the past two and a half years, we have not been able to travel as we used to.
Our last trip to Dominica was in January of 2020, and things shut down just as we returned. However, despite the ...
FAIRS Continues Despite Natural Disasters & COVID-19

Over the past few years, the Island of Dominica has been hit by many uncontrollable hardships. Back in 2017, Hurricane Maria hit Dominica very impactful, leaving not only physical damage, but economic damage. Following Dave and Gaynell's last trip in January 2020, COVID-19 became prevalent internationally, causing another economic set back for Dominica, forcing many people to lose theirs jobs and businesses to shut down.
Despite the restrictions following the spread of COVID-19, FAIRS still...