The Winning Story Continues in 2024 for HG7T

By Victor Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE

p.o. box 4815, Lvov-48, Ukraine 79048

This year Alex UT7DX and I were once invited to take part in IARU World HF Championship from HGT7. www.

This is the only amateur radio event recognized by Ukranian Ministry of Sport as an official Radiosport event which is included in the ministry’s calendar.

We arrived at HG7T in advance to make ourselves ready and check the equipment, antennas and adopt the logging software to our habits. There were some issues with PSTRotator rotation control of 15m and 40m antennas that were solved. Other antennas controlled by corresponding control boxes were in good shape.

The stack antennas on high bands were the magic weapon allowing almost 24 hours operation. It especially was fantastic on 15 meters. The band was open even in the night with NA signals being very strong. This allowed to work the pileups even barefoot.

As usual I was at the 15/40 m position mainly on CW but some SSB as well.

The claimed score was better than last years and our expectations to win have realized lately when the final results were published on the ARRL Web Site.

DX, Multi-operator Two Transmitter, Low Power

  1. HG7T: 3,966,424
  2. UW5Y: 3,801,544
  3. ES9C: 3,788,790
  4. EA1X: 3,658,620
  5. 9A1P: 3,472,227
  6. 4X1DX: 3,418,023
  7. OM8A: 3,114,804
  8. LX7I: 3,053,308
  9. RM9I: 2,978,858
  10. LY4L: 2,911,524

So, the first place in the World for the second year in a row and a New World Record!

The quote from the IARU HF World Championship 2024 Full Results by Bob Raymond, WA1Z says: “The relatively new Multi-operator, Two Transmitter, Low Power category is not only growing but the competition was quite fierce this year. Several World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) hopefuls often make every attempt to use this category, which is very similar to recent WRTC rules, to practice and test-out equipment that may accompany them to the next WRTC event. With just two IARU HF World Championship editions between the last WRTC (WRTC 2022, held in Italy in July 2023) and the next one (WRTC 2026, to be held in the United Kingdom in July 2026), some candidates working towards qualifications are using this contest to prepare as much as possible. This year, nine teams across three continents (Europe, Asia and North America) broke the 3 million mark. Although WRTC is not a two-person team competition, the official IARU Multi-Two category does allow for more than two operators. The six-person Hungarian team at HG7T successfully defended their 2023 title, finishing in 1st place.

I express my gratitude to my teammates and especially our captain Tibor HA7TM for the opportunity to use his superstation for another contest victory.