On October 11, 2014 Takashi Itoh JE1GWO was awarded the U5WF-90 Memorial Award. To achieve the award he submitted evidence of conducting two way communication with memorial stations on 5 amateur bands during 2014. The 90th Anniversary of “Ham Dad Vlad” or Vladimir N. Goncharsky U5WF (UB5WF) is in 2014. The award was granted through Victor Goncharsky, Helen Goncharsky, Julia Goncharsky, and David Larsen.
To qualify the applicant has to prove making two way contacts during the year 2014 on different amateur bands (1.8 – 432 MHz) using different modes of emission, including:
– QSOs on CW, Ham Dad Vlad’s favorite mode
– at least one QSO with any of the three memorial stations EM90WF EO90WF EN90WF.
QSOs with the following stations are valid for this award:
– Special memorial stations EM90WF EO90WFEN90WF;
– FAIRS club station N4USA, Floyd, VA;
– FRS club station UR4WXW, Lvov, Ukraine;
– Vladimir N. Goncharsky «Ham Dad Vlad» U5WF (UB5WF) SK family members:
– Helen Goncharsky UR5WA/KT4RP,
– Julia Goncharsky UR5WDX
– Victor Goncharsky US5WE/K1WE/UW5W
– FAIRS President David Larsen KK4WW (J79WW)
– FAIRS director Gaynell Larsen KK4WWW (J79WWW)